
​Q: Where is my polling place?​​​

On Election Day, You can now vote at ANY of the following locations:

•          Cerulean Baptist Church, 225 Main Street, Cerulean--Note, this is a NEW LOCATION!
•          East Golden Pond Fire Department, 4286 Canton Road, Cadiz
•          Emergency Operations Center, 39 Jefferson Street, Cadiz
•          South Road Fire Department, 101 Oakland Church Road, Cadiz
•          Trigg County Recreation Complex, 303 Complex Road, Cadiz
•          Trigg-Lyon Fire Department, 8811 Rockcastle Road, Cadiz
•          The Way, 197 Lafayette Street, Cadiz
​Q: Am I entitled to time off for voting on Election Day?​​​

A: If you are working on Election Day, you may be entitled to a maximum of four consecutive hours off from work in order to vote or cast an absentee ballot if you make a request for time off with your employer.

Your employer may specify the hours you may take leave to cast a ballot.​

Q: What identification can I bring to the polling place?

A: All voters must produce identification at the polling place.  A Driver's License is great!

Q: What time are the polls open on Election Day?

A: Polls are open from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM local time. If you are in line at 6:00 PM, you will be allowed to vo​te.

Q: I registered to vote, but I did not receive a confirmation card.​

A: Contact us  at 270-522-6661 to find out the status of your address confirmation.​

Q: Do I have to vote according to party affiliation?

A: Kentucky conducts political party primaries before each General Election. In Primary Elections, voters may only vote for candidates of their same political affiliation and non-partisan candidates.  ​In General Elections, voters may choose to vote for candidates of any party. 

Q: How do I switch political parties?

A: You can change your political party at GoVote.KY.Gov​, or by submitting an updated registration application to your county clerk.   ​

Q: I will be out of town on Election Day. How can I vote?

A: You can vote absentee in person or by mail. Contact us at 270-522-6661 to request an absentee voting application.

